Hello June

And Strawberry Moon

No Woman Left Behind

Breaking Barriers: Embracing Intersectional Feminism for Inclusive Equality

Welcome to the Fight Club for Women's Newsletter, where we believe in empowering women from all walks of life! In this edition, we delve into the powerful concept of intersectional feminism, highlighting its significance in promoting inclusivity and equality for women everywhere. Buckle up, because we're about to break some barriers and ignite change!

In a world that has often marginalized and silenced diverse voices, intersectional feminism emerges as a fierce force, advocating for the rights and empowerment of all women. It acknowledges that the experiences of women are shaped not only by gender but also by intersecting factors such as race, ethnicity, sexuality, disability, socioeconomic status, and more.

Intersectional feminism recognizes that each woman carries a unique set of identities and experiences, which intersect to shape her reality and the challenges she faces. By embracing intersectionality, we ensure that no woman is left behind or overlooked in the fight for equality and justice.

This article will delve into the importance of intersectional feminism, exploring how it dismantles barriers and creates space for women to authentically express themselves. We will discuss the need to amplify marginalized voices and uplift those who face multiple layers of discrimination. From racial inequality to LGBTQ+ rights, from disability advocacy to socioeconomic challenges, we'll dive into the intersections of struggle and resilience that women navigate daily.

By embracing intersectional feminism, we foster an environment where every woman feels seen, heard, and valued. It is through this lens of inclusivity that we can truly dismantle systems of oppression and create a society that empowers and uplifts all women, regardless of their background.

So, join us on this journey of exploration and understanding as we celebrate the power of intersectional feminism and strive for a more just and equitable world for every woman. Together, we can break barriers and pave the way for a brighter future.

Stay fierce, stay united, and let's fight for a world where all women can thrive!

In solidarity,

Rosanne Santos (Founder of the Fight Club For Women)

🎙️ Introducing Our Inspiring Podcast Guest, Cheryl Campbell, Founder of "The Christmas Gala" and Certified Life Coach!

We are delighted to introduce Cheryl Campbell, a longstanding member of Fight Club for Women (FCFW), as our esteemed guest on the upcoming episode of our podcast. Join us as we dive into an enlightening conversation with Cheryl, a true force of compassion and empowerment within our community.

Cheryl is widely recognized for her remarkable achievements, particularly as the founder of the non-profit organization "The Christmas Gala." For over 15 years, Cheryl's unwavering dedication has brought joy and support to countless senior citizens in our local town, spreading the spirit of love and togetherness throughout the year. Her selfless work has touched the lives of many and serves as an inspiring example of the power of kindness and community.

In addition to her charitable endeavors, Cheryl is a certified life coach, equipped with the tools and insights to guide others towards personal growth and fulfillment. Her expertise in helping individuals navigate life's challenges and uncover their true potential has made a significant impact on those fortunate enough to work with her.

Join us as we delve into Cheryl's extraordinary journey, exploring her experiences as a philanthropist, community leader, and life coach. Discover the invaluable lessons she has learned along the way, and gain insights that will empower and inspire you on your own path to success and fulfillment.

Stay tuned for the upcoming episode of our podcast, where Cheryl Campbell will share her remarkable story and wisdom with our FCFW community. This is an opportunity you won't want to miss!

Spreading Sunshine: How Acts of Kindness in the News Can Brighten Your Day!"

"Kindness vs. Bad News: How Acts of Kindness Can Brighten Our Outlook"

We all know that bad news dominates the headlines. It's like a never-ending cycle of violence, death, and destruction. But here's the kicker: it actually affects our mental health. Studies have shown that consuming negative news can lead to depression, anxiety, and hopelessness.

But fear not, ladies! A recent study found that focusing on acts of kindness can counteract the negative impact of bad news. The study showed participants negative news stories followed by positive ones showcasing acts of heroism, compassion, and generosity. And guess what? Those who saw the positive stories felt uplifted, had a more positive outlook on humanity, and experienced less decline in mood.

What's so special about kindness, you ask? Well, for starters, it's universally valued. Witnessing acts of kindness reminds us of our connection to others and reinforces our belief in the goodness of the world. Moreover, kindness acts as a relief to the pain we feel when we see others suffer. It triggers a positive feeling called "elevation" that replaces cynicism with hope, love, and optimism.

So, how can we make the world a brighter place? Let's demand more balance in the news by including stories of kindness. By doing so, we can combat the "mean world syndrome" and cultivate a more positive and compassionate society. Remember, kindness is contagious, and even small acts can have a big impact on our wellbeing and the world around us. Together, we can spread kindness and create a brighter future!

In The Nice News Today……..

Why Is It Called the Strawberry Moon?

Unveiling the Mystical Origins of Tonight's June 3, 2023 Strawberry Moon: A Feminine Journey

Feminine Legacy:

The Strawberry Moon draws its name from the Algonquin tribes of North America, who recognized its connection to the ripening strawberries—a luscious fruit that symbolizes passion, vitality, and abundance. This lunar event also embraces the spirit of the Rose Moon, symbolizing the delicate beauty, fragrant whispers, and profound transformation experienced by women. The Strawberry Moon speaks to the profound influence and strength of femininity, encouraging us to embrace our innate power and connect with the cycles of nature.

Honoring the Feminine:

Tonight's Strawberry Moon offers an opportune moment for women to honor their own unique journeys and celebrate the beauty and strength they possess. As the moon's soft light bathes the Earth, it illuminates the paths we have traveled, the challenges we have overcome, and the growth we have experienced. This is a time to gather with fellow women, to share stories, insights, and wisdom, and to nurture the bonds of sisterhood.

As the Strawberry Moon graces the night sky tonight, it calls upon us as women to embrace our innate power, wisdom, and intuition. In this sacred gathering of feminine energies, we are reminded of the profound connection we share with the moon, nature, and each other. Let us celebrate the transformative energy of the Strawberry Moon, as we nurture our spirits, honor our journeys, and step into the radiant beauty that resides within us all.

A Guide to Meditation for Women Who Think They Can't Meditate

(But They Totally Can)

  • So, ladies, if you've ever found yourself frantically Googling ways to reduce stress, chances are the internet has suggested meditation. Cue the eye-rolling and thoughts like, "Who has time for that? Can anyone really silence their mind for that long?"

  • Well, guess what? You don't have to clear your mind like a zen master to enjoy the benefits of meditation. Thank goodness, right? According to Marvin G. Belzer, an associate professor of psychiatry, fighting those racing thoughts is a losing battle. Instead, just redirect your focus to something else—like your breath or the sound of your neighbor's annoying dog.

  • Now, meditation may sound all serious and spiritual, but let's be real here. You don't have to be all "woo-woo" about it. Many women are drawn to meditation for the practical benefits, like kicking anxiety and depression's butts, saying goodbye to chronic pain, and finally getting a good night's sleep. And hey, bonus points: you'll become more mindful too. It's like having your own superpower to navigate everything from awkward conversations to household chores.

  • Don't worry, ladies, you don't need a fancy meditation shrine or a dedicated hour in your schedule to rock this meditation thing. All you need is a few minutes, a little focus, and maybe an app if you're feeling extra fancy (or desperate). Trust me, you can squeeze in some "me time" between Netflix episodes and online shopping.

  • Now, before you dive headfirst into the world of meditation, let's get organized. Figure out when, where, why, and how long you'll meditate. Consistency is key, but let's not go overboard here. It's better to meditate for a few minutes every day than to go all out once in a blue moon. Morning, afternoon, or evening—find the time that works best for you and your chaotic schedule.

  • Remember, darling, meditation doesn't have to be a huge commitment. Start with a humble three to five minutes a day. Even during your busiest days, those few minutes can make a world of difference. Trust me, when you're feeling like a hot mess, that's exactly when you need to press pause, take a breather, and let your mind chill for a bit.

  • Now, let's talk about the perfect meditation spot. Sure, you can meditate anywhere—your bedroom, your office, even your bathroom if that's the only quiet place in your house. But if you want to get fancy and create a serene sanctuary, go ahead, girl! Set up some cozy pillows, light some candles, and unleash your inner zen goddess. Just make sure it's a peaceful place where you won't be interrupted by your kids, your partner, or your pet's desperate need for attention.

  • Oh, and don't forget to channel your inner Wonder Woman and define your "why" for meditating. Do you want to be the calmest mom at the PTA meeting? Are you trying to survive rush hour without flipping off every driver on the road? Whatever your reasons, know that having a clear motivation will keep you going when Netflix tries to seduce you back into the binge-watching abyss.

  • Alright, ladies, let's keep it real. You don't need a fancy yoga mat or designer meditation pants to rock this practice. Grab that worn-out pillow from your couch or your favorite cozy blanket. Wrap yourself up like a burrito of tranquility and get ready to meditate like a boss.

  • Here's the deal: find a quiet space, set a timer for a few minutes, and get comfortable. Close your eyes, take a deep breath, and let the chaos of the world fade away. Sure, distractions will come knocking at your brain's door, but just give them a friendly nod and gently guide your focus back to your breath. And hey, if you happen to doze off and drool a little, no worries! Just maybe avoid doing that during work hours, okay?

  • Ladies, let's be honest. There will be days when meditation feels like trying to herd cats or attempting to parallel park a bus. It's frustrating, it's challenging, and you might feel like giving up. But remember, you're a badass woman who can handle anything. If you're feeling stuck, try focusing on a beautiful object or experiment with different aspects of your practice. Mix it up, have fun with it and embrace the hilarious journey of self-discovery.

  • Now, here's a little reality check: meditation isn't a magical cure-all, like finding a secret stash of chocolate or discovering a wrinkle-free dress that never needs ironing. Sometimes, you may need to combine meditation with a kick-ass therapy session or some other form of self-care. And that's totally okay. You’re doing your best, and that's all that matters.

  • So, my fellow goddesses, as you embark on this wild meditation adventure, remember to be kind to yourself. Celebrate every small step you take towards inner peace, even if your mind feels more like a circus than a serene retreat. You're doing amazing, and your journey is uniquely yours. Embrace the humor, embrace the imperfections, and keep on meditating like the fierce, fabulous woman you are. You've got this!

Hello Moon

Moon Water Recipe:


  • A clean glass jar or container

  • Filtered or purified water

  • A piece of cloth or a lid to cover the jar

  • Optional: crystals or herbs for infusing the water with specific energies


  1. Choose a clear night when the moon is visible in the sky. The ideal time to collect moon water is during a full moon, but you can also gather it during other phases if desired.

  2. Find a peaceful outdoor space where you can place your jar. This can be a garden, balcony, or windowsill that receives direct moonlight.

  3. Cleanse the jar by rinsing it with water and gently drying it.

  4. Fill the jar with filtered or purified water, leaving some space at the top to prevent overflow when the water is exposed to the moon's energy.

  5. If desired, add crystals or herbs to infuse the water with specific energies. Choose crystals or herbs that resonate with your intentions, such as rose quartz for love or lavender for relaxation. Ensure the crystals or herbs are safe to be submerged in water.

  6. Place the jar in the moonlight, preferably where it will receive direct moonbeams. You may choose to leave it overnight or gather it after a few hours—listen to your intuition.

  7. Cover the jar with a piece of cloth or a lid to prevent any debris from falling into the water while allowing the moon's energy to flow freely.

  8. Take a moment to set your intentions for the moon water. Visualize the water being infused with the moon's energy and the specific qualities you desire.

  9. The next morning, or when you feel the moon water has absorbed enough energy, carefully bring the jar inside. Thank the moon for its energy and blessings.

  10. Your moon water is now ready to be used. You can drink it, sprinkle it on plants or objects, use it in rituals or ceremonies, add it to baths, or simply keep it as a potent reminder of the moon's magic. Remember to store it in a cool, dark place when not in use.

Note: Moon water is believed to carry the energy and intentions of the moon, but it is important to remember that its effects are symbolic and personal. Use moon water as a tool for reflection, intention-setting, and connection to nature and the celestial energies that surround us.

In the symphony of life, the melody of true harmony begins with nurturing our mental health, for it is through self-care and self-compassion that we unlock the transformative power within ourselves.

Rosanne Santos Founder of FCFW