Reflecting on 2023:

A Year of Growth and Resilience

As we stand on the threshold of a new year, let's take a moment to reflect on the journey of 2023. This past year has been a tapestry woven with moments of triumph, challenges, and self-discovery. We've navigated uncertainties, embraced change, and uncovered reservoirs of strength within ourselves.

Key Reflections:

  1. Resilience Amidst Adversity: Recall the times you faced challenges and emerged stronger. Reflect on the resilience that resides in your spirit.

  2. Personal Growth: Consider the areas where you've grown personally—whether it be in your relationships, career, or self-awareness. Growth is often subtle but immensely powerful.

  3. Celebrating Achievements: Take stock of your achievements, big or small. Celebrate the milestones that mark your progress.

  4. Learnings from Setbacks: Acknowledge the setbacks and the lessons they brought. Every stumble is an opportunity to learn and rise anew.

  5. Connections and Relationships: Cherish the connections made and the relationships strengthened. They are the threads that weave the fabric of our lives.

Setting Intentions for 2024:

Moving into the new year, let's shift our focus from resolutions to intentions. Resolutions can be rigid and easily broken, but intentions are like seeds planted in fertile soil, ready to blossom with mindful nurturing.

  • Reflect on Values: Identify the core values that guide your life. Align your intentions with these values for a more meaningful journey.

  • Create a Vision Board: Visualize your aspirations. A vision board is a powerful tool to manifest your dreams and keep them at the forefront of your mind.

  • Mindful Goal-Setting: Instead of overwhelming yourself with a long list of goals, focus on a few that truly matter. Make them specific, measurable, achievable, relevant, and time-bound (SMART).

  • Cultivate Habits: Intentional habits shape our days. Choose habits that align with your intentions, whether it's dedicating time for self-care, learning, or building relationships.

  • Stay Flexible: Life is dynamic, and so are our journeys. Embrace change with an open heart and adjust your intentions as needed.

  • Practice Gratitude: Cultivate a mindset of gratitude. Regularly reflect on the positive aspects of your life, fostering a sense of contentment and abundance.

  • Connect with a Support System: Share your intentions with friends or family. Having a support system can provide encouragement and accountability.

Thought-Provoking Questions for 2024:

  1. What brings me joy, and how can I infuse more of it into my daily life in 2024?

  2. In what areas of my life can I show more kindness and compassion, both to others and myself?

  3. What skills or knowledge do I want to acquire or deepen this year?

  4. How can I contribute to a positive impact in my community or the world at large?

  5. What limiting beliefs can I release to make space for personal growth and new possibilities?

  6. In what ways can I prioritize self-care and well-being without guilt?

  7. What relationships do I want to nurture, and how can I strengthen those connections?

As we step into 2024, let's carry the lessons of the past, the intentions of the present, and the hope for a future filled with purpose and fulfillment. May the coming year be a canvas for new experiences, growth, and the realization of our deepest intentions. Happy New Year! ~ RS

"In the stillness of reflection, I honor the lessons of the past and celebrate my journey. Today, I release the need for rigid resolutions and instead embrace the power of setting mindful intentions.


As we close out 2023, I want to say once more—Thank you. Not simply for reading but for the support, input and feedback that has helped shape the Fight Club For Women and (Men) Newsletter into what it is today. It's been a great year thus far since the inception in May 2023.

Thanks for being part of the journey—I’m looking forward to a wonderful 2024 and beyond with new exciting things in the works and coming soon! Time to take this newsletter to the next level !! 😏

Wishing you a happy ,healthy, prosperous and safe year ahead.

With Gratitude and Love ,

~ Rosanne Santos ♥

Editor-in-Chief and Founder of The Fight Club For Women Organization established originally November 2014 on Facebook.


Good morning. It's Sunday, Dec. 31. We're recapping the stories that moved us the most in 2023 and gearing up for an exciting 2024.

BEST OF 2023

A rising number of Americans are switching religions

Angler catches an over nine-foot-long catfish (w/photos). 

What Earth would look like one year after human extinction

The best and coolest small towns in the US.

The eight habits that could add up to 24 years to your life

A third of US couples have opted for a “sleep divorce.”

The 100 best books of all time

Thirty-six hidden messages in popular company logos.

The biggest media hoaxes in US history.

What is the best position to sleep in?

Photographer catches a "once in a blue moon" shot.

Italian banker catches 3-year-old girl falling from a fifth-floor balcony

The newest way to laugh over text: IJBOL.

Boost your Wi-Fi with aluminum foil

California's third-largest city (by area) is pretty much empty

Listen to the Beatles’ final song, "Now and Then."

Pod of orcas takes down a yacht

What does “Auld Lang Syne” actually mean

 Photobombing bird nabs best wedding photo of the year.

America's best mountain towns

"Don’t live the same year 75 times and call it a life."

- Robin Sharma


“Miracle Baby” Rescued From Turkish Earthquake Rubble Reunited With Mom After 54 Days

It was initially one of the most tragic stories to come out of the deadly earthquakes in Syria and Turkey in February. But it ended in what many hailed as a miracle. The weeks-old baby girl who was rescued after being buried in the rubble in Turkey for 128 hours was reunited with her mother, who for months was thought to have died in the disaster.

“Be certain that you do not die without having done something wonderful for humanity.”


- Maya Angelou


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