Thriving Through the Fear:

Navigating Life's Roller Coaster Together!" 🎢✨

Enjoy The Ride !!!

Diving into the Abyss: A Light-Hearted Reflection

No matter how much of a fearless warrior we believe ourselves to be, let's face it – we all have our moments of sheer terror. Life's crazy journey can toss us into a whirlwind of highs, lows, and unexpected loop-de-loops. Even for the thrill-seekers among us, there's something undeniably hair-raising about suddenly hurtling towards a deep plunge. But hey, it happens to the best of us. So, take a deep breath and remember: you're not the lone ranger in this wild ride.

Now, our fears might decide to throw a party, centering around our physical well-being. Maybe we're feeling a bit under the weather, dealing with challenging circumstances, or caught up in a job that feels like an extreme sport. Financial worries might also join the bash, making us break into a cold sweat over making ends meet. Then there's the fear of losing a loved one or the anxiety of never stumbling upon that special someone to share life's adventures with. Oh, and don't even get us started on the nerves that come with starting a new chapter – be it a school, job, town, or just meeting some new faces. Yep, fears come in all shapes and sizes, and it's okay. No need to hide under the covers just yet.

The good news? You're not alone in this fear-fest, my friend. It's a universal shindig, and everyone gets an invite. Sometimes, just giving a nod to our fears can be a game-changer. While it might take a bit more than a casual acknowledgment to calm the storm, knowing that life can be a bit on the spooky side can be oddly reassuring. So, grant yourself permission to be a little scared; it's like the golden ticket to move through those fears and eventually bid them adieu.

And you know what else? It's perfectly cool to spill the beans about your fears to others. Sharing those qualms can be like turning on the lights in a haunted house – suddenly, everything feels a bit less daunting. By letting your fears out into the open, you're not letting them morph into some emotional Godzilla inside you. Plus, you're not stuck carrying that hefty worry suitcase solo; you've got allies in this adventure.

So, chin up, fearless friend! Remember, in this roller coaster of life, you're not navigating the loops and drops alone. Embrace the fear, share the journey, and enjoy the ride. After all, we're all in this together! ~RS🎢✨

"Amid life's roller coaster of highs, lows, and unexpected turns, I acknowledge my fears as shared moments on this wild journey. I choose to face them with courage, knowing I'm not alone. Together, we ride through the twists, finding strength in acknowledging our fears and lightening the load by sharing our journey with others. Life's roller coaster is wild, but so am I – fearless and thriving!" 🚀🌟


Good morning. It's Thursday, Dec. 21, and we're covering the extradition of a notorious international fugitive, tensions in the East China Sea, and much more.

Fat Leonard Returns

A Malaysian national at the center of one of the largest US Navy corruption scandals in modern history will be returned to face sentencing after Venezuela agreed to his extradition as part of a prisoner exchange.

"Fat Leonard" Francis pleaded guilty in 2015 to running a yearslong bribery scheme, using his port services company to swindle the US Navy out of at least $35M (see overview).

Cross-Strait Relations 

Chinese President Xi Jinping told US President Joe Biden last month that Beijing will seek to reunify with Taiwan while noting the timing is unclear, and China prefers to assume control of Taiwan peacefully, according to reports yesterday. Xi's comments came during a summit in San Francisco—meant to reduce tensions between the US and China (see overview)—and mark the first time he directly conveyed China's stance on Taiwan to Biden.

Sports, Entertainment, & Culture

> Warner Bros. Discovery and Paramount in talks for potential global merger; the combined valuation of the two media giants is over $38B (More)

> Georgia, Alabama, and Ohio State highlight top 2024 recruiting classes for college football's national signing day (More)

> Former NBA player Chance Comanche admits to Dec. 6 murder of woman in Las Vegas just hours after finishing an NBA G League game (More)

Science & Technology

> Study finds all major AI models were trained on datasets containing some amount of explicit images of children; advocates push for safeguards to prevent its use in image generation (More)

> Scientists discover new class of drugs effective against antibiotic-resistant staph infection, responsible for 10,000 US deaths annually (More)

Politics & World Affairs

Former President Donald Trump asks US Supreme Court to delay considering whether he is immune from federal prosecution in an election interference case while a federal appeals court weighs the issue (More)

Judge allows removal of Confederate memorial in Arlington National Cemetery to resume (More)

 Atmospheric river event prompts Southern California to prepare for flood threat, heaviest rainfall since August's Hurricane Hilary ahead of holiday weekend (More


Photos of what winter used to look like

Geese replace dogs as prison guards in Brazil.

A collection of stories drawn on the back of coffee receipts.

What it's like to live in a Hallmark Christmas movie town

Why reindeer have blue eyes in the winter.

Clickbait: The most adorable elf this side of the North Pole

"All life is just a progression toward, and then a recession from, one phrase— 'I love you.'"

- F. Scott Fitzgerald, from "The Offshore Pilot"

Reading Print Is Better for Kids’ Comprehension Than Digital Text: Study

A recent study has uncovered a link between reading comprehension in children and the type of text they’re looking at: print or digital. Published in the Review of Educational Research, the study found a near-zero (0.05) relationship between the frequency of reading digital texts for leisure and comprehension of that text. For the printed word, that same relationship was much higher, between 0.30 and 0.40.

“This means, for example, that if a student spends 10 hours reading books on paper, their comprehension will probably be 6 to 8 times greater than if they read on digital devices for the same amount of time,” co-authors Cristina Vargas and Ladislao Salmerón said in a statement.

Comprehension of digital text does improve with age, indicating that kids’ minds might not yet be able to filter out the distractions often present on a screen. The authors recommend that schools and parents emphasize print over digital for young readers. In other words, good ol’ physical books still reign supreme.


Chimps and Bonobos Can Recognize Friends and Family They Haven’t Seen in Decades

After studying chimpanzees and bonobos, a group of scientists believe they’ve gathered evidence of the longest-lasting nonhuman memory ever recorded — supporting the theory that we share a common ancestor that lived between 6 million and 9 million years ago.

This study is reminding us how similar we are to other species walking on the planet,” first author Laura Simone Lewis said in a press release. “And therefore, how important it is to protect them.”

Inspiring Stories

Healing beats
A hip-hop therapy program at a Bronx high school is helping students heal from grief and trauma through the power of music.

“Extremely moving”
In a hidden corner of New York’s Central Park stands the Pet Memorial Christmas Tree, a secret landmark decorated each year with photos, notes, and other mementos honoring deceased pets. Explore the tree.

Post of the Day

This shot from Alaska’s Denali National Park is proof that the northern lights, or aurora borealis, are back for the season! “Longer nights in Alaska mean more chances to see the northern lights,” the Department of the Interior recently wrote on Instagram. “The dark frigid skies above [Denali] come alive with bright waves of color caused by bursts of solar wind and magnetic fields interacting with elements in the atmosphere.” See more photos of Denali’s auroras. (Photo Credit: Kent Miller / NPS)

“You don’t find out who you are unless you work at it.”
- Iris Apfel


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